Most of our plan levels are based on the number of pages you need except for the eCommerce plan. The eCommerce plan contains limited pages but products can be added on as necessary.
How do you decide how many pages your website needs?
That’s something that’s unique for every business but here’s a good rule of thumb:
You should have a new page on your website for every major topic or idea IF you have information to share about that topic or idea.
That means you don’t want to create a page that has 10 words including the title. Each unique page should have a unique topic or idea but also have some content to it. According to best practice for search engines, you should have 200-500 words minimum. Visuals are also helpful and recommended if possible.
You can find some examples of the number of pages needed for different businesses in our 5-page website examples. Keep in mind that in these examples there are several where the services page is just one page. If you have more to tell people about each service then each of those pages could easily be a separate page.
If you have 5 services and you want to provide more details about each of those, it may be best to have a separate page for each one. Keep in mind that if you separate those pages out, you still should keep the content for each one above 300 words ideally.
If you don’t purchase the right plan for the number of pages you need, don’t worry, we’ll work with you. If you need to be bumped up on plan, we’ll make sure that gets done and won’t cause any delay in your website being built.