How To Provide Feedback On Your Website

During the process of building your website there are two occasions where you’ll need to review your website and leave feedback. The more information you provide, the better you will like your final website. Without proper direction about what you like, we are going to design the website based on what is likely to convert visitors best.

Providing feedback on Loclweb websites is extremely easy. It’s a point and click process where you can leave a note anywhere on the page. You just need to be logged into your website or temporary website, and you can leave feedback.

Here’s how to do it.

Step 1 – Log In

Log into your Loclweb website. We’ll provide you the link to log in, and you can also refer to the help article for logging into your website. During the development process, your URL will not be your domain (unless it’s a new website). Instead, your website URL will be a temporary subdomain on Loclweb (ex.

Step 2 – Go To Front End

Loclweb Affordable Website Feedback Front End

When you log in you’ll be in the back end of your WordPress website. For leaving feedback you’ll want to visit the front end of your website. Here’s how you can get to the proper location.

The name of your website, which is often your business name, is located on the top left of the admin dashboard. It’s the one with the single house icon before it.

Clicking your business name will bring you to the front end of your website, exactly where you want to be.

Step 3 – Leave Feedback

There are two ways to leave feedback on a Loclweb website. You can leave feedback on a specific element or leave general feedback on a page without it being attached to a specific part of the page.

Here’s how to do each one.

Leave feedback on a specific element

You can leave feedback on a specific element, such as a block of text, a navigation menu, or even one element in a navigation menu. Every element on the website that you can see you can leave feedback on.

Loclweb Affordable Website Feedback Create Comment

You should see the feedback bar stuck to the right side of your browser as you scroll. Click the + icon (1) when you see something on the screen you want to comment on.

Now you can move your mouse cursor around the screen and the dashed line appears around each element your cursor is over. If the dashed line isn’t specific enough for where you’d like to leave the comment, move the cursor around until you get the right element.

Note: Specific words cannot be selected, only elements on the page which are blocks that surround paragraphs. Menu items do have elements surrounding each menu item, though.

When you have the right spot highlighted (2) then just click.

Loclweb Affordable Website Feedback Write & Post Comment

Type in the comment you’d like to leave for us (3) and then when you’re done click the Add comment button (4).

Note: You can also use the icons above the comment to change the priority. The priority icon is the opposing arrows.

Leave general geedback

Loclweb Affordable Website Feedback General Comment

Sometimes your feedback may not pertain to a specific element on a page. That’s okay. If that’s the case then you can also leave general feedback on any page.

The process of leaving general feedback is similar to the above, where you click the + image on the feedback tab. Just hover over the Loclweb logo (1) and click on the General button (2) that pops out.

Loclweb Affordable Website Feedback Leave a General Comment

Now you can enter your comment (3) and then click the Add Comment button (4). You also have the icon buttons available at the top that lets you change the priority of the comment.

That’s it!

We’ll get an email with your feedback, so we can make the changes you request to your website. We’ll also mark the status of the task we’re working on to in progress as we’re working on it then complete once we’ve made the change.

If more information is required from you, we’ll mark the task as pending until you answer our reply, and we complete the task.

View All Tasks

You can see a list of all the tasks you’ve created for the page your one or all the pages on your website. Here’s how to do that.

Loclweb Affordable Website Feedback View All Comments

Click on the Loclweb icon (1) in the feedback tab which pops out the feedback module. From there, you can select the page (2) to see the comments on and also filter the comments using the filter icons (3).

If a task is attached to a specific part of the page, when you click on the comment, then the browser will show you where that comment is attached.

Last updated January 27, 2022

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