The 10 Best Dentist Websites On The Internet In 2022

The Best Dentist Websites On The Internet

There’s nothing better than well-kept pearly whites. And when we search for a dentist, we want to be sure they care about their patients. What shows a dentist they care as much as great reviews from other patients? A great website that says they value their business for the long term and care about their patients too!

That’s why we sought out the best dentist websites. We wanted to find those dentists that care about their patients and along the way inspire amazing website design. So, we found the best dentist websites on the internet. Before you even consider a redesign for a dentist website, check out these websites to get inspired and see what other dentists are doing right on the internet.

From amazing and unique looks to a conversion-optimized masterpiece, these websites will blow you away. They’ll give you some ideas on how you can make an amazing dentist website that gets the job done and looks amazing while doing it.

We searched high and low all across the United States to find these websites. Some of them are unique while others did a fantastic job optimizing for conversion (we think!) It’s now up to you to find the one you like the most on this list and use it as inspiration for your own website.

Whether you know it or not, a website has a profound effect on how patients see your business. It can determine how much patients are willing to spend, if they trust you, and if they even call you! These dentists know the importance of their website which is why they invested in a great website that helps grow their business.

The Best Dentist Websites

Ready to see the best dentist website we found on the internet? We did the hard work for you so you can get inspired by great dentist websites. Check out this list and browse their rest of their website to see beyond the top of the front page.

Dental Professionals on Whitesburg – Huntsville, AL

Dental Professionals on Whitesburg - Huntsville, AL

This website exudes elegance and beauty. The design is simple and cohesive with a consistent color scheme and unique frills that make it look amazing. As you scroll down the page it remains unique and designed beautifully. Some websites lose their appeal as you scroll, but this one absolutely does not. From the pictures with flourishes to the icons, everything looks like it belongs together.

We found two amazing websites in Huntsville, Alabama and this is one of them. We simply couldn’t choose between the two because they were both so amazing.

Bryant Dental – Huntsville, AL

Bryant Dental - Huntsville, AL

You’ll find a cohesive and attractive website throughout from Bryant Dental. There are even small things like when you place the cursor over the patient it moves a little. Not that that matters in any way, it’s just a fun discovery.

What did we like the most? Patients both new and old won’t ever have an issue converting on this website. You can contact them or schedule an appointment easily right from the top. The best part is that the way to convert really stands out with the contrasting red. Information is also plentiful about this dentist and as you scroll down, the website remains consistently beautiful.

Port Arthur Smiles – Port Arthur, TX

Port Arthur Smiles - Port Arthur, TX

This isn’t the fanciest website we’ve ever seen, but there’s something about the color palette and ease of converting that helped it stand out. Not to mention important information is right up at the top, and it’s extremely easy to convert and see their social proof. It’s a simple website but with the plentiful information (where they serve, contact info, etc.) laid out clearly it’s a great website that is simple yet effective.

Foy Aesthetic + Family Dentistry – Omaha, NE

Foy Aesthetic + Family Dentistry - Omaha, NE

While there’s not a lot of options for conversion, the phone number is typically the most important for most patients. That one’s easy to find as well as social proof which is also extremely important. The video helps speak for this dentist quite well and the rest of the website doesn’t let down. As you scroll it remains consistent and well put together.

Ironwood Dental – Tucson, AZ

Ironwood Dental - Tucson, AZ

On some places of this website the animations are a bit too much but overall the website has a great look. We just scrolled through real fast to make the animations finish because they can make you dizzy but after that the website is amazing.

You’ll find this simple, blocky look is reminiscent of their actual office and the architecture you’ll find across Tucson. The look of this website flows consistently to the bottom and remains easy to scan with more in-depth information available if necessary. You’ll also find plenty of ways to convert or learn more as you scroll.

Wellcare Dentistry – Bakersfield, CA

Wellcare Dentistry - Bakersfield, CA

This dentist website has the most pertinent information right at the top. While it’s not amazing on the visuals, it’s still very strong and more than makes up for it with a great presentation of important information all in one place. How well a website converts is just as important as the visuals. This one knocks it out of the park for easily available information and ease of conversion.

Patients don’t have to go far on this website, which makes for a great website. Our assumption is this dentist website has a 100% bounce rate on the home page, which is a win. There’s no use in making people hunt for info and this website absolutely didn’t make us hunt.

TLC Dental Care – Knoxville, TN

TLC Dental Care - Knoxville, TN

Need to schedule an appointment? That’s easy to find on their website! We love websites that are conversion-oriented and this one is just that. You can see right at the top of the home page is a form to request an appointment. It should always be that easy to become a patient with a dentist even if you have to fill out endless paperwork after they contact you back.

The color scheme and layout of this website also looks great. It has a consistent color scheme and a nice look that remains consistent and pleasing all the way down the page. Overall this great dentist website has it all.

Honor Dental – Rochester, MN

Honor Dental - Rochester, MN

Simplicity is one of the best themes for a website. So many get this wrong trying to pack too much information in too little space. This website doesn’t do that at all. It’s elegant, simple, and the conversion options stand out. I suspect they know what people ask for the most, which is why you can call, book now, and get insurance info without hunting for it. Insurance info sure is what I look for first thing when looking for a new dentist!

Overall this website’s color-scheme is gentle and beautiful all the way to the bottom. There’s a lot of information available, but it’s also scannable, a very important aspect of any website.

Salem Dentistry – Salem, OR

Salem Dentistry - Salem, OR

This dentist website makes it easy to find the right information and convert for new and existing patients. Not only that, but the video isn’t too distracting while showing some of what to expect. Overall this website is simple enough to find what you need, looks nice, and does a good job of surfacing the right information while making it easy to convert.

Sandhills Oral Surgery & Implant Dentistry – Fayetteville, NC

Sandhills Oral Surgery & Implant Dentistry - Fayetteville, NC

We were initially torn by this website design. It’s novel and well-designed, but the navigation leaves a lot to be desired. By that we mean the scrolling effect that jumps from one screen to the next. It’s somewhat jarring, but overall we overlooked that drawback because the website is well-designed and is conversion-oriented.

Most of the right information is available right on the first screen. It’s easy to book, social proof is available, and the menu is top-notch. Our only wish is that the phone number was easier to access. It could be on the menu, but it needs to be there. Overall, the first screen is great, and the menu couldn’t get any better. You know they do business in Fayetteville and the menu is huge, making it extremely easy to navigate.

Even though this website is a bit on the odd side scrolling wide, it does nearly everything else perfectly and all in an extremely beautiful package. This may be one of the best websites and would be #1 if the jarring scroll affect was removed. I think it would still work overall with the design even with seamless scrolling.

Wrap Up

Hopefully this list of the best dentist websites on the internet has inspired you and given you some things to think about. We’ve laid out the best and why we think they’re the best, now it’s your turn to use what you’ve seen. Having a great website that’s aesthetically pleasing and converts well is essential to every business’ success.

We help local small businesses such as local dentist offices get online with an amazing and professional website that’s affordable too. We can help your dental practice succeed online with a beautiful website that’s built for conversion. Working with a great web designer that knows how to build websites that convert is essential to the success of your practice.

Use these great websites as inspiration, but put your own mark on your website. This list is great inspiration and equipped with it, you can take the lessons from them and create an amazing website that serves to grow your business and get you more patients.

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